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Intraoperative Imaging

Seamlessly integrating into the surgical workflow to improve outcomes

Seamless Imaging Integration

Existing imaging systems were originally designed for imaging and do not integrate into the surgical workflow. This requires the clinical team to make sub-optimal workflow considerations and extend the time in the OR. At Taumedis we have re-imagined the imaging systems, from MRI to PET and Ultrasound, so that they seamlessly integrate into the surgical workflow to improve outcomes. Interventionists and surgeons no longer need to compromise and obtain high resolution and high quality images of the modality of their choice that are specific to the procedure performed.

iMRI Systems and Solutions

The Taumedis iMRI system incorporates a floor-based moving magnet solution to integrate state-of-the-art MRI systems into intraoperative imaging suites. This enables high-quality updated imaging during surgery, without ever moving the patient from the surgical table. The system employs a custom intraoperative MR compatible neurosurgical table and neurosurgical RF coil, and features modular construction and implementation. This design minimizes hospital renovation requirements and provides the shortest installation time on the market for a moving magnet iMRI system.

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